Saturday, June 20, 2015

Meaningless InfoGraphics...

I see them every day on social media sites. They are fiends come straight from hell to torment us all. You have all seen them, most of you have even re-posted them, generally in glee because you agreed with what you thought they proved.
Only they didn't. Prove anything that is.
They are the Meaningless InfoGraphics. Otherwise known as a meme.
Assuming they were based on real data at all (surprisingly few), they have been stapled, folded and mutilated so much that they in no way resemble fact. Whenever I see one now, I automatically look for the barbed hook, the bait waiting to catch me unawares, I know it is there, it always is. The LIE.
When you are confronted, you become angry, defensive, some even abusive. Not once has anyone ever admitted that their meaningless graph was wrong. NOT ONCE. Never mind the message, or the cause, never mind which side of whatever issue you were for or against, your meaningless graphic is always perfectly true.
Don't bother protesting your innocence, your protests leave me cold, nor will claiming ignorance avail you. You know who you are. You are the one hiding behind pretty pictures created by someone else expressly to manipulate you. Blaming me won't make you or your meaningless graphic true. Nor will blocking the messenger.

Oh, and after seeing a particularly stupid one this morning, my brain was last seen running screaming out of the room. If found, please herd gently into a corner and call for support. Do not kick.

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

So Long GoonFleet, And Thanks For All The Fish

In April 2012 Black Omega Security (OMEGA) parted ways with Pandemic Legion (PL) and joined the Goonswarm Federation. Back then OMEGA was enduring what could be portrayed as the darkest period in the corps history; most active players had converged into other PL corps leaving just 6 players, dedicated to staying with the corp, regardless of the situation. Aldari Verve, Apophiss Incarnate, Heedbanger, Kulat, Deros and Darth Beli packed their assets up and made for the shores of the unknown.
Incidentally, around this time, an old BOS veteran was coming back to New Eden after a long stretch of absence. This veteran was none other than Kia Tolon otherwise known as Suas aka Shutupandshave. After hearing about the downfall of OMEGA he reached out to Aldari Verve (then CEO) and asked to take responsibility for the corp he had always held in such high esteem. On finding OMEGA still had active players, and being the kind of individual not to turn away from a challenge, he suggested they focus their efforts and re-build OMEGA from the ground up. A new directorate was appointed (the 6 individuals who had pledged to stay with OMEGA), recruitment swiftly begun and KiaTolon once again took on the role of CEO. Inside a matter of days that 6 individuals turned into 45, as old companions, and players rallied to the cry. Indeed, even players, who had been inactive for a long time, re-subbed accounts to help with the re-building of this once great corporation.
After four days OMEGA was accepted into the Goonswarm Federation and given a blanket of security in which to re-build. Ironically it had been OMEGA, under Kia Tolons last period as CEO, who had taken a fledgling OSS alliance under their wing, giving mentoring, guidance and protection to Goonfleet and Goonwaffee corps who later went onto form the Goonswarm Federation.
Three years since joining GSF, OMEGA is an altogether different brute than that which landed on the shores of Deklein as bedraggled refugees. GSF gave OMEGA the stage, resources and freedom to shape itself into what is effectively the most grounded and most dynamic it has been in its 12 year history. A history entwined in some of the most relevant moments of New Eden's history.
It may be asked, "If OMEGA is enjoying its Golden Era, then why expel it from GSF"? Amongst the forum warrior remarks and splurge, the trolls and those seeking desperately to be heard, you might find the answer. OMEGA essentially wasn't contributing enough to GSF strategic Ops for two consecutive months regardless of whether it was "War time or Peacetime Ops". It is not unreasonable for any Null Sec organization to expect members from one of their corps to take part in alliance Strat Ops and if not then they ought to move on.
The principle distinction between OMEGA in 2012 and now is that we are not a bedraggled refugee leaving the power house of the GSF. OMEGA is an active, skilled and experienced corporation whose player base enjoys a game experience different to that of GSF or any other Null Sec Alliance. OMEGA members are not making for the door in a mass exodus of panic, jumping ship and joining other corps, Instead our members are united and accept that the goals of the GSF and the desire of the corp are not aligned. OMEGA is about small scale PVP in a close knit group, whilst normally enjoying a drink or 20. This is what our players enjoy, this is where the corp excels and this is what we will continue to be in the future.
Lastly, on behalf of the entire corporation we’d like to publically thank, The Mittani, Imperium and the players within, for their support and friendship over the last 3 years. It would be wrong to part without also acknowledging the pilots of the GSF social group Space Violence and thanking them for being an awesome group to fly with. I hope you continue to thrive in the future. We wish the entire Imperium well for your future endeavors and hope that your interests will remain within Eve Online, we look forward to working together and against each other in the future.