Saturday, June 20, 2015

Meaningless InfoGraphics...

I see them every day on social media sites. They are fiends come straight from hell to torment us all. You have all seen them, most of you have even re-posted them, generally in glee because you agreed with what you thought they proved.
Only they didn't. Prove anything that is.
They are the Meaningless InfoGraphics. Otherwise known as a meme.
Assuming they were based on real data at all (surprisingly few), they have been stapled, folded and mutilated so much that they in no way resemble fact. Whenever I see one now, I automatically look for the barbed hook, the bait waiting to catch me unawares, I know it is there, it always is. The LIE.
When you are confronted, you become angry, defensive, some even abusive. Not once has anyone ever admitted that their meaningless graph was wrong. NOT ONCE. Never mind the message, or the cause, never mind which side of whatever issue you were for or against, your meaningless graphic is always perfectly true.
Don't bother protesting your innocence, your protests leave me cold, nor will claiming ignorance avail you. You know who you are. You are the one hiding behind pretty pictures created by someone else expressly to manipulate you. Blaming me won't make you or your meaningless graphic true. Nor will blocking the messenger.

Oh, and after seeing a particularly stupid one this morning, my brain was last seen running screaming out of the room. If found, please herd gently into a corner and call for support. Do not kick.

Thank you.

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